Alternatively, if you need a guide to the best VR porn sites or want to watch on Chromecast instead, we’ve got you covered there too. Luckily, if you want to watch adult content on the biggest screen in your house, Roku’s free hidden porn channels are one way that won’t require a whole lot of technical know-how or messing around to get up and running. Please see our guides to watching on Chromecast, Google TV and FireTV as well.ĭespite the porn industry’s pioneering role in the growth of on-demand content, the tech and broadcasting industry’s caution towards adult content often means those platforms don’t want adult content included in the directories – Apple and Google are notable examples. The sites all still work on all the other platforms they previously supported. We’re leaving this list here for now until the sites below have put workarounds in place.
Please Note: As of March 2022, Roku has removed all of its Private adult channels.